You need king cake bread pudding in your life…because regular ‘ol king cake just won’t do it! Danielle Granger Nava of @showmeyournola shares her Simple King Cake Bread Pudding recipe just in time for all your Mardi Gras and Super Bowl festivities! This recipe will IMPRESS & SEDUCT!
king cake
My Favorite King Cake in Nola!
If I had a dollar every time someone asked me where they should order a king cake from in New Orleans!
After a recent nudge from my friend (thanks Jess!) who couldn’t find my recommendation on this here website, I realized that I need to just come clean and declare my favorite. For the record though, I highly recommend trying as many king cakes you can this season to declare your own winner!
Top 10 King Cake Spin-offs Concoctions
It’s just like New Orleans to take something decadent and make it extravagant. That’s exactly what this city has done with the popular and traditional King Cake. The original King […] Read more…