It’s just like New Orleans to take something decadent and make it extravagant. That’s exactly what this city has done with the popular and traditional King Cake.

The original King Cake is simple cinnamon bread with icing, purple, green and gold sprinkles on top. Then somewhere along the way, fillings were added: cream cheese, Bavarian cream, blueberry, strawberry, chocolate, coconut cream (YUM!) etc. But was that enough to fulfill our deepest King Cake desires?


May I introduce (or re-introduce if you’re already familiar) to you…KING CAKE SPIN-OFFS! Here are my top 10 favorite dishes transformed into a King Cake party–scratch that–Mardi Gras Ball in your mouth.

10. King Cake Donut by District Donuts Sliders Brew

photo by @nolafoodgals photo by @nolafoodgals

9. King Cake Vodka by Taaka and Lucky Player

photo by @showmeyournola at @martinwinecellar photo by @showmeyournola at @martinwinecellar

8. King Cake Milk Shake by Charcoals Gourmet Burger Bar

photo by @charcoalsgourmetburgerbar photo by @charcoalsgourmetburgerbar

7. King Cake Cheese Cake by Copelands of New Orleans

photo by @biteandbooze photo by @biteandbooze

6. King Cake Soda by Abita

photo by @cdmiele photo by @cdmiele

5. King Cake Monkey Bread by Emeril’s New Orleans

photo by @emerils photo by @emerils

4. King Cake Ice Cream by Creole Creamery

photo by @mng2388 photo by @mng2388

3. King Cake Fries Graham Blackall with Praline Sauce by @joythebaker

photo by @grahamblackall photo by @grahamblackall

2. King Cake Bread Pudding by @showmeyournola
My Simple King Cake Bread Pudding recipe will have you and your friends falling to your knees! Give this recipe a try during your next parade or Super Bowl party. I promise it’s easy and extremely delicious!

1. King Cake Burger by Food Drunk
Did you just fall out of your chair? Yeah, I’m not surprised. Food Drunk, a local food truck, created the ultimate & shocking King Cake Spin Off when they birthed “The Original King Cake Burger.” Check out their Instagram page for daily updates on their whereabouts.

photo by @fooddrunknola photo by @fooddrunknola

Some other honorary king cake spin-off dishes are the King Cake Latte, King Cake flavored Coffee, the King Cake Shot (available at most Nola bars) and the Mardi Gras Dog from Dat Dog.

photo by @elisabethlamotte photo by @elisabethlamotte

Every year, this list expands. What do you think they’ll come up with next? What got left off of this list? Comment below or on my Insta!

And if you’re wondering what all of these concoctions taste like…well, it pretty much tastes like cinnamon.  Que my favorite Seinfeld episode and his famous cinnamon tribute:

Danielle Granger Nava